Wednesday 26 September 2012

Double Dragon: Neon Review!

Way Forward brings a HD remake of a popular side-scrolling beat em up, in Double Dragon: Neon. Taking the original story and infusing new levels and features. This game made me remember the fun I had on the classic Double Dragon games many long years ago. From the start, there is no doubt that Way Forward has put in some serious care in reflecting the source material in this remake.

For those new to the Double Dragon universe, the story revolve in rescuing Marian, the love interest of both playable characters, from a gang that has kidnapped her. This game was made to play with a buddy with countless fun little combo moves you can make with each other, it really brings back old school beat-em up action; In a modern gaming world filled with countless shooters it really is a nice chance to sit back and relax.

The sound is what made this game for me, every single unlockable move has its own song and some did make me smile; The music also has a very 80's feel which fits into the background perfectly in a very 80's feeling world.

The worry is that the game is really hard to play by yourself, unless you have a friend you really will not enjoy this game as much as you could; What make it harder is if you die you must restart the level, which is really frustrating to do. Unless you are hardcore for Double Dragon then you may want to avoid until you find someone to play with.

+ Beautiful update graphically
+ Great Sound
- Forced to have a friend

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