Thursday 28 August 2014

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Review!

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is around about  4-10 hours long  (depending on difficulty). In that time you will be blown away fighting all kinds of brilliant enemies in spectacular style,  it's a tight action game whose campaign moves as quickly as its excellent combat.

With a boss battle on average every 45 minutes, you really are in some serious badass fights regularly. Traditional Metal Gear games have relied on the element of stealth, although this game does feature that, the main focus is melee combat. Combos gracefully fall together, with a combination of sword strikes, kicks and aerial attacks. The animation for these look stunning to say the least, I have never been this excited for a game like this which obviously had so much work put into it.

With unlockables you can easily get past that 4-10 hours and sink many more into the game. With a ton of moves, one of which answered one of my main problems, a dodge ability! Which I really enjoyed using.

Once Raiden slays enough cyborgs, he can enter the time-slowing Blade Mode and slice his sword in any direction, this will slice parts of enemies of in a jaw-dropping way. It also adds a new twist on the game in terms of strategy, slicing  weapons of cyborgs to leave them vulnerable, or slicing armour to reveal weak points.

This game's soundtrack is also one of the best I have heard in a game in a while, each boss theme is unique and makes fights even more awesome. Hands down the big winner for best soundtrack this year, simply put it's outstanding.

Other unlockables are available, in a way I love by defeating bosses you gain their weapon. The only thing is these weapons are rather bad, they replace some of your attaks and can restrict some combos.

The camera is the only real major problem that I have with the game, it seems to keep altering itself all the time in the worst possible moment. It can take away from combat and can actually get you killed from time to time. It is only a minor splinter in an otherwise fantastic game.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is a brave move and certainly pays off, Raiden is finally back and more badass than ever. It's always entertaining, even if you are new to the franchise, I'm sure anybody can love this brilliant masterpiece. - 9/10

1 comment:

  1. I just invented a new word. Newbicide. Newbicide is what newbies do near the end of the round, when one of the two characters life bars are dwindling or the timer is about to go. It’s basically a “hail mary” maneuver so obvious it’ll never work as long as your opponent doesn’t sneeze at the same time you attempt it.

    These fucking newbicidal fucking cocksuckers on XBL are so fucking pathetic it makes my brain hurt. The most obvious easy to punish bullshit comes flying towards me from full screen and thanks to the fucking delay on our wonderful internet at the moment, I get hit and lose the fucking match.

    God damn these fucking newbie fucking cockstain fucks. I really don’t want to play this game online any more. I don’t feel like I’m learning anything new. Occasionally against the very good players I am. It seems the good players aren’t too fond of newbicide. Even with the lag they tend to keep the game as solid and smart as possible.

    Fucking newb fuckers.
