Sunday 28 October 2012

The Walking Dead "Sick" Review!

The second episode of Season 3 kept up the momentum, with the continuation to save Hershel and the introduction of new characters in the form of prisoners. Some really good performances from these prisoners also, most notably Tomas and Axel.

We see Rick develop even further this episode yet again being the character that stood out this episode, everytime we see his darkside growing bigger and this episode does it on a huge scale. The interaction between Rick's group and the prisoners was by far the most interesting aspect of this episode, like a time bomb which ended up going off very quickly.

Many viewers felt worried that season 3 would slow down just like season 2 did for the first half, but episode 2 certainly disagrees with this and shocks viewers multiple times. It is extremely hard to say if "Sick" was better than "Seed" both are really close, for shock factor "Sick" wins hands down with so many unexpected moments. The talking scenes that dragged down last season are shorter and punchier, with greater impact in less words.

Lori yet again takes small steps in redeeming herself, showing that she is not always screwing over Rick, so far I have not rolled my eyes at anything Lori has said which is a good start. The Walking Dead has entered a new era, it feels like a new show. Every character feels revamped, Carl has now became a favourite of mine with some really stand out moments this episode. Everybody now feels like they have a spot on the show, T-Dog for example no longer feels like a character sitting in the background, even being a main focus this episode.

The Walking Dead has upped its game, becoming unpredictable maybe even the most unpredictable show on television, when I believe I have predicted what will happen I'm completely wrong everytime. I now have no idea what will happen and as a reader of the comic that is a great feeling to have.

Verdict - 10/10
+Otstanding Rick moments
+Rvamped Walking Dead
+Character development

Sunday 21 October 2012

Gaming, The New Big Media Industry?

If you look back even just 5 years ago, you would rarely see an advertisement for a new game on the television, now we see them all the time. The game industry has been growing every year, Call of Duty is the best selling entertainment launch of all time.

 It seems today the film industry may have lost the WOW factor they had many years ago, maybe it is down to being so used to the industry now viewers are not all that excited or maybe due having so many options now in terms of media.

Gaming even though it has been around for many years, has now really became the next big thing, back in the day a gamer would be classed as a "nerd" now everybody games in some form, even if it is simply your mother playing bejeweled.

What really started to get gaming into the mainstream audience is online multiplayer, a brilliant new way to talk and play with anyone all over the world or simply a school friend. Big leaps have been made in terms of the quality of games that are made, Microsoft's Kinect has also mainly focused on the casual gamers being the younger children and the mothers; they are bringing in a new group of gamers.

I do believe that motion gaming is holding back the gaming industry, it feels like we are trying to invent a new way of playing, which in all honestly really does not need to done, I thought we would want to move away from something like this. I do realise to some these types of games are fun, but really they need serious work done.

I myself find gaming a much better experience than films, you get much better value for money with games most of the time (Looking at you movie based games), they can also provide a much more involving story due to length; we can establish a relationship with characters, the biggest example right now is The Walking Dead game. I find myself spending hours on a game for a reasonable price, compared to a film which is rather short in length for what you pay.

We have seen some rather special products come from the industry, such as Minecraft which really took us back to the roots of gaming, we have also seen some rather not so good products. Many old gamers do believe game standards have gone down due to the mainstream audience, I can't say I disagree due to the countless Call of Duty clones. Even with this though every year we get some really special moments, such as this year Borderlands 2 and also Halo 4 later in the year.

I believe that gaming will continue to grow into something much bigger in the near future, will it become a huge revolution or will it simply fade back into darkness? I would say most likely that we will see some really interesting changes in the industry.

Thursday 18 October 2012

The Walking Dead "Seed" Review! *spoilers*

Some viewers thought Season 2 was too slow-paced, the season 3 premiere will answer this problem,  Walking Dead began this season with a bang. We get action right from the start, with non-stop zombie killing and still delivering a very convincing story.

Season 3 jumps ahead a few months from the past events, this really was a good idea as it explains why everybody has turned more badass, with Chandler Riggs being a growing boy it needs to be done as he will be changing every season getting much older.

The group finally arrive at the prison (they did not see it after all this time?) some really nice shots followed with the group running between two prison fences filled with zombies, which I think are my favourite shots for the episode. We then get some awesome zombie killing, I do believe everybody in the scene killed a zombie even Beth, this was a real action packed scene to say the least.

We then get a scene with Beth and Maggie singing around a campfire, I will be honest this was a little cheesey for my liking but it was interesting to see some of the interactions in this scene between characters.

We are now at the best scene in the episode and maybe one of the best scenes of the show yet, the final prison assault to get inside, I loved every second so many great moments. We can tell the detail really went into making these zombies spectacular in this scene. The riot gear zombies are maybe the highlight of the episode or as me and my friend called them "boss zombies" I actually laughed at scene, it was rather funny in a way which I think is what the creators wanted, they also felt like the stakes had been raised for the survivors even though it would be hard for the riot gear zombies to bite. Maggie soon realised how to dispatch with a simple knife straight up from the bottom of the chin, she then lets out a cute line, “Did you see that?!” this whole scene was incredible. We also get a rather gruesome zombies whose face comes off with its gasmask which made me feel a little sick but still I loved it.

Time to party everyone, Lori seemed kinda less iritating than usual in this episode, we even got a rather scary thought about the baby being dead inside her by a small chance, then eating her and ripping out from the inside.

Michonne and Andrea get very little time this episode, it was effective though as you do feel they are really cut off from the rest of the group and alone. Michonne though really did leave her mark decapitating two zombies at once with ease.

Fast forward a little we get the real big shocker of the episode, Hershel getting bitten and then having Rick cut his leg off to save him, I really did not expect this at all and I'm glad that they manage to shock a die hard fan like me so easily! The chopping of the leg was done well though, it had me looking away a little as Rick gave hack after hack to the leg.

As the episode ended, and Rick and his group, in a serious situation, we then see surviving prisoners, we get a funny line to end the episode  “Holy s**t” by a prisoner that pretty much sums up the entire episode.
 No real faults at all with this episode, absolute carnage all episode while still keeping an interesting story, this episode really raises the bar for the rest of the season. This episode proves we are in for a hell of a season!
Final Verdict - 9.8/10
+Awesome riot gear zombies
+shocking cliffhanger
+great character development
- cheesey campfire scene
-Did not see prison for all them months

Friday 12 October 2012

Looper Review

Looper, the third feature film from writer-director Rian Johnson (who previously brought audiences the neo-noir thriller, Brick, and caper-flick, The Brothers Bloom) is a powerful, clever and swiftly-paced sci-fi film that you'll want to see time and time again - if just to try and understand it.

Thursday 11 October 2012

The Walking Dead Episode 4: Around Every Corner Review!

Telltale Games has yet again raised the bar for The Walking Dead game series, Episode 4: Around Every Corner does what a good pre-finale episode should do, set up the most intense cliffhanger I have seen in a while.

Episode 4 takes place around 12 hours after Episode 3, the survivors arrive in Savannah and ready to make that final journey to find a boat and get the hell out. Events take the group on yet another adventure though.

This episode actually does not focus so much on the voice we heard on the walkie talkie at end of episode 3, instead the focus is the mystery behind the Crawford group who we learn are pretty evil people. This episode offers the finest conversations between Clementine and Lee, it is weird how every episode makes you love Clementine more and more (did not think this was possible)

This episode had  really nice gun scenes in which Lee would go into first-person perspective, these moments really felt badass and handled much better than the Episode 3 gun scene; the gun scenes felt like my shots made in impact in terms of if I mess up it may cost lives.

Ben gets some really awesome moments which had me wanting to kill him, but in the end I realised what he did was all a huge mistake. Telltale Games did a great job with this sudden change of heart for me just like they did with Kenny in the past episodes.

Voice acting is at its best yet again, Clementine well on her way to winning character of the year, we feel the emotion coming out of the characters and straight into our cold heart.

Yet again this episode suffers from the slight lip syncing and screen loading in intense scenes, but this is forgivable as it really does not take away from the overall experience.

We can tell by the final statistics that our choices really have made a huge impact on the finale, I feel regret in some decisions I made this is not a bad thing as it means I'm invested in the rich story.

Overall, Episode 4 sets up for an epic finale to this amazing series, I cannot wait to play it! Episode 4 has maybe the most epic scenes yet and shows how The Walking Dead is not just a zombie story, but a story filled with emotion and it really is something special. If you have not played Telltale's The Walking Dead then this is the best time to start!

Final Verdict: 9.5/10
+Epic scenes
+Great way to end ready for finale giving a powerful cliffhanger
+Most interesting Clementine scenes yet
-Slight technical issues

Saturday 6 October 2012

Graceling - Kristin Cashore.

The word 'awesome' is what springs to mind when asked to describe Kristin Cashore's "Graceling". It's fiery, it's action-filled, it has a touch of everything I could want from a book. Definitely top ten material.

First published in October of 2008, I received "Graceling" as a Christmas gift. Having not picked it out myself, it was an interesting-looking novel, and I trusted the giver of the gift implicitly. I picked it up, on that same Christmas day, and promptly lost myself in its pages - I had finished it by evening.

"Graceling" is slotted into the 'fantasy' and 'romance' genres - it focuses on a world other than our own, a world where 'gracelings', well, grace the land... and are shunned for their differences. These 'gracelings' are humans gifted with inhuman abilities - told apart from the non-'gracelings' by their different coloured eyes. A 'graceling' has two alternately coloured eyes. Katsa, the heroine of "Graceling", has one blue eye and one green eye - and a startling Grace (ability). Her Grace is the power of 'killing', discovered when she was just a child and resulting in her being one of the most feared in all of the land. However, as the King's niece, she is a recognised tool of His Majesty, used to oppress his peers and lower lords. Using the only methods of rebellion she can, Katsa frequently defies her Uncle's 'jobs', and works for a Council opposing his ruling. It is on one such defiant mission for the Council, that Katsa meets a fellow 'graceling', Po. A Lienid (one kingdom within the land) prince, Po and Katsa tumble into a riotous mission to find out who the kidnapper of Po's grandfather is.

Not only does Cashore prove herself to be other than one of the many new authors who continuously push themselves up, but she showcases true talent. And that true talent is a rare, rare gift. She writes with the passion and fluency of one who knows that they are good at what they do - and enjoys it. Her style is addictive and of such a high quality - which continues through into "Fire", her second novel.

Highly recommended, and easily a nine or ten out of ten, this book is a contender for top in my heart - Kristin Cashore has managed to capture many a reader's attention span, and for such a beginner in the world of words - I expect high things from this writer, and am sure she won't disappoint.

"Graceling" is Cashore's debut novel - followed by "Fire" (2009), and most recently - "Bitterblue" (2012).

Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn - "Part 1" Review!

Episode 1 is available now, you can watch it on YouTube or the official Halo site, so go watch it before reading this review!

Bungie attempted to bring a live-action for Halo call Halo 3:Landfall, but with 343 they have been more ambitous in promoting Halo 4. Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn is an episodic webseries that acts as a prologue to Halo 4, but this first episode acts as much more than a promotion.

The budget for Forward Unto Dawn is very good you realise while you watch this, it is up to the quality of most shows shown on television. Some areas you are able to tell the divide between, digital and reality in the footage, but what do you expect for a webseries? The armour and scenery really give off that Halo vibe, you can tell the props really had some time put into them.

The main problem I had was that every single marine in this seems like they could not make it into the UNSC, I know that it is a training facility so they would be young, but none of them really give off a badass feeling like the marines in the Aliens film. They really have no qualities that you would expect to find from a soldier.

The episode takes place just before the war between humanity and the Covenant, in this time rebels are the only threat. It's a very good place to start with as newcomers of Halo who may watch this.

Right from the start we can tell who the main characters so far are, Tom Lasky played by Tom Green seems to be made out as the main character, with Chyler Silva who is played by Anna Popplewell who you may remember from Chronicles of Narnia. Nobody else in this first episode really stuck out that much, we still have plenty of time for the other characters to develop though. Green and Popplewell do good at being characters with determination and vunerability to their roles, unlike Master Chief who is made out to be a god among soldiers.

"part 1" really was a strong episode in introducing us into this webseries, the final cenes are the strongest as they develop our emotional attachment to the main two characters. I'm confident though that this opening episode shows that we are in for a real treat, this series has huge potential to be something special, not just a advertisement for Halo 4.

+Outstanding costumes andd set designs which give off that Halo feel
+Strong performances
-Secondary characters fail to stand out

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Guild Wars 2 Review!

Guild Wars 2 is supposed to be a revolution for those already embedded in the massively multiplayer roleplaying world, ArenaNet is aiming for this and they may not be at that position, but it’s close. The main thing is no subscriptions are required, I love this because now I can leave and come back whenever I please.

Tweaks have been made wich really give the game a sense of pushing forward, everything I do gives me expirience crafting, gathering, dynamic events, killing, questing and exploring which may not be new but the way they do it with Vista points really encourages you to explore.

Dynamic events are a real nice feature, they have been seen before in Rift for example but vary much more with events to defend, collect and kill mostly, the most fun I have seen being killing a undead dragon! These kinds of things really bring the players together to help each other as they themself benefit. The little changes make a big difference such as anyone who attacks a target will get expirience, unlike World of Warcraft with its system of whoever gets first hit will gain the rewards, this stops them long waits for enemies to respawn just for the kill to be stolen.

Rather than forcing you to talk to NPCs for odd jobs, Guild Wars 2 has them standing out in the open, screaming their predicament for all to hear. Hearts appear on the game’s map; initially hollow, you can fill them by performing certain tasks for their owner without you ever having to click through a single dialogue box.

The game features five total races with eight proffesions to pick from, each having their own skills and abilities, the most interesting change is that the weapon you hold determines your skills; this allows for some real different playstyles from players.

Each race has its own unique story until around level 14, these then branch out on multiple ways that you can pick, they are all voice acted which really adds to the story also.

GW2 has a dodge – double-tap a direction – and it’s expected you’ll use it to avoid attacks before they connect in realtime. It’s not an action game, but it’s closer than the genre’s got before, so battles demand a new level of focus. The combat feels much more skill based, unlike other games in the genre you cannot just sit and wait, you will be moving a lot.

Particularly when combat is so tough. Bosses in the game’s dungeons – currently eight story-led runs through gauntlets of tough enemies each with some serious boss battles. PVP also is real nice with your standard PVP modes, but what shines is the world versus world versus server, which means in Guild Wars 2 server versus server vs server, sounds confusing right? It is frantic fun with constant large scale battles occuring, as armies of players try siege castles while the other server defends.

Guild Wars 2 is a few brushstrokes short of a masterpiece, then, but ArenaNet has succeeded in trying to paint over the worst of the genre’s cracks. Only problem I had was that no trade system exists, I don't mean auction house kind but between two players,the only way is to send mail this can lead to many problems as you may know.

This aside, the game is amazing for only $60 or £40 roughly you will get at least 100 hours of gameplay from this masterpiece, for that price I have to tell you to buy this game!

+100 or even more hours of fun
+Combat system
+Class variety
+Expirience system
+No subscription
+Fun PVP
-No trade system

Monday 1 October 2012

Walking Dead Issue #102 Review!

The Walking Dead issue 102 is the sixth part of the Something To Fear storyline, yet again this is a much more quieter issue reflecting back on what happened in issue 100. Robert Kirkman succeeds in further building this feel that Negan is even more deadly than The Governor for the group.
 This issue is mainly for character development between the comics main characters,Some complain that The Walking Dead never really gives us any memorable new members of the main group anymore, the Jesus character though has proven to be a real interesting touch to the series. I believe that Jesus will be a big part of the comic in the future.
The issue gives us a very nice glimpse on just what exactly we can expect in the near future for The Walking Dead, this build up to the final showdown is really paying off for building anticipation.
Charlie Adlard may have had a tough time this issue due to the fact the entire issue is characters talking , the facial expressions though really represent just how members of the group are feeling in this situation they are facing.
Even though issue 102 is not a all out war, it really has the reader excited for the future of The Walking Dead and the rivalry between Rick and Negan, though this issue does lack any defining moment really to help it stand out from other issues.
+Character development
+Good build of tension
-No defining moment in this issue