Sunday, 28 October 2012

The Walking Dead "Sick" Review!

The second episode of Season 3 kept up the momentum, with the continuation to save Hershel and the introduction of new characters in the form of prisoners. Some really good performances from these prisoners also, most notably Tomas and Axel.

We see Rick develop even further this episode yet again being the character that stood out this episode, everytime we see his darkside growing bigger and this episode does it on a huge scale. The interaction between Rick's group and the prisoners was by far the most interesting aspect of this episode, like a time bomb which ended up going off very quickly.

Many viewers felt worried that season 3 would slow down just like season 2 did for the first half, but episode 2 certainly disagrees with this and shocks viewers multiple times. It is extremely hard to say if "Sick" was better than "Seed" both are really close, for shock factor "Sick" wins hands down with so many unexpected moments. The talking scenes that dragged down last season are shorter and punchier, with greater impact in less words.

Lori yet again takes small steps in redeeming herself, showing that she is not always screwing over Rick, so far I have not rolled my eyes at anything Lori has said which is a good start. The Walking Dead has entered a new era, it feels like a new show. Every character feels revamped, Carl has now became a favourite of mine with some really stand out moments this episode. Everybody now feels like they have a spot on the show, T-Dog for example no longer feels like a character sitting in the background, even being a main focus this episode.

The Walking Dead has upped its game, becoming unpredictable maybe even the most unpredictable show on television, when I believe I have predicted what will happen I'm completely wrong everytime. I now have no idea what will happen and as a reader of the comic that is a great feeling to have.

Verdict - 10/10
+Otstanding Rick moments
+Rvamped Walking Dead
+Character development


  1. the walking dead is the best series that i've ever seen so far.

    1. I just invented a new word. Newbicide. Newbicide is what newbies do near the end of the round, when one of the two characters life bars are dwindling or the timer is about to go. It’s basically a “hail mary” maneuver so obvious it’ll never work as long as your opponent doesn’t sneeze at the same time you attempt it.

      These fucking newbicidal fucking cocksuckers on XBL are so fucking pathetic it makes my brain hurt. The most obvious easy to punish bullshit comes flying towards me from full screen and thanks to the fucking delay on our wonderful internet at the moment, I get hit and lose the fucking match.

      God damn these fucking newbie fucking cockstain fucks. I really don’t want to play this game online any more. I don’t feel like I’m learning anything new. Occasionally against the very good players I am. It seems the good players aren’t too fond of newbicide. Even with the lag they tend to keep the game as solid and smart as possible.

      Fucking newb fuckers.
